Happy New Year Glenn. I bought seven of the DEER HANDLES and gave all but one for Christmas presents. At least four of the recipients have used the DEER HANDLE and say it has increased their power and ease of dragging and loading deer. I also was able to take a deer that fell in a bottom and the only way out with the deer was dragging. I had forgotten my DEER HANDLE was still in the truck and all I had with me was a piece of rope and a stick. After about thirty feet of dragging, I was worn out and decided the walk back to the truck was worth me getting and trying my DEER HANDLE. Upon returning, I put the DEER HANDLE in place and with the first pull, I realized this was better than any other method of dragging I had ever done. I was able to drag the deer to the top of the hill and load it in the truck with only stopping to rest one time. I am glad you invented the DEER HANDLE and I look forward to many years use with mine. I wish you and your wife lots of success with the DEER HANDLE operation in the future.
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